Streamlining Tasks 10x: How I Used ChatGPT and Google Spreadsheets to Optimise My Work

8 min readFeb 3, 2023

As I scroll through my LinkedIn feed, I am frequently greeted with a quote that strikes a chord with me: “ AI won’t replace you, but a person using AI will. “ This sentiment is one that I have come to understand all too well in my recent work experience, where I was tasked with coordinating the allocations of graduate teaching assistants.

Upon my arrival in this new role late last year, I had a daunting responsibility of filling over 90 positions and obtaining approvals from more than 30 academics. It was clear to me that the traditional method of manual data entry and cross-checking of schedules was not only laborious, but also prone to error.

But, as with many challenges, a solution presented itself in the form of OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Spreadsheets. By harnessing the power of these tools, I was able to automate certain aspects of the allocation process and experience a significant improvement in efficiency.

In this article, I will share my experience using artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of ChatGPT and Google Spreadsheets to streamline the allocations process and demonstrate that, as the quote suggests, a person using AI can achieve greater success than one relying solely on manual means.




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